Health and Safety

Child Care Weather Watch Chart
Guide produced by Iowa Department of Public Health, Healthy Child Care Iowa to help explain weather conditions.

Early Childhood Mental Health Virginia
Training, Technical Assistance & Resources for Families, Caregivers and Providers of Children, Birth to Age Eight in Virginia

Early Childhood Hearing Outreach (ECHO)
The ECHO Initiative serves Early Head Start as the National Resource Center on Early Hearing Detection and Intervention.

Campaign for Children’s Mental Health
The Campaign for Children’s Mental Health is a 3-year sustained effort to make mental health services more available and accessible to the children in Virginia who need them, regardless of where the children live or what “system” identifies their needs.

Virginia’s Family Nutrition Program
Funded under NIFA (National Institute of Food and Agriculture), and part of Virginia Cooperative Extension, the Family Nutrition Program helps low income families and children learn to eat healthier and move more throughout the state of Virginia in a variety of ways.

ConsumerWatch Children’s Section
ConsumerWatch website is supported by The Consumer Product Safety Commission, an independent government agency created to protect Americans from harmful products that could result in serious injury or death. The agency creates product safety standards and guidelines for companies and manufacturers to follow when creating consumer goods.